These aspects of Tulum’s lifestyle make it possible to offer tourists a great variety of natural spaces and recreational destinations within the area to visit. These are some the most attractive destinations. Get to know them!

Tulum archaeological zone

This is one of the most important destinations in the area. It happens to be one of the best-preserved citadels of the pre-Hispanic culture on the coast, enjoying a privileged location right next to the Caribbean Sea. These ruins used to be a port for maritime trade, as well as an astronomical observatory called “El Castillo” and a military field. In addition to these ruins, in the archaeological zone you will also find several paradisiacal beaches and hidden natural spaces, to enjoy a quiet time in the afternoon while surrounded by outstanding and beautiful scenery.

Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve

Located 10 kilometers away from Tulum, this reserve is home to the most characteristic, important, and most preserved species of the wildlife ecosystems in the Riviera Maya. Protected by the state of the possible risks mass tourism and human intervention could have on this natural area, the reserve has several recreational activities and spaces for you to enjoy, that maintain a respectful balance between man and nature. From kayaking and hiking to tours of the canals used by the Mayan culture for their trade and visits to the hidden ruins of “Muyil”.

Great Mayan Reef

The coral reef of the Riviera Maya is the second largest in the world, and thanks to its magnitude and biodiversity of marine life, it is one of the favorites for snorkeling and diving, both for recreational and sports purposes. The crystal clear turquoise waters allow you to see thousands of different colors and species of fish, turtles, rays, eels, and more. An impressive sight for the human eye.



These natural circular pool-like waters are one of the greatest attractions in the entire Riviera Maya and Tulum is no exception. In the extension of the Tulum-area, you can find several popular cenotes such as the Cenote Dos Ojos, the Gran CenoteCenote Calavera, Cenote Azul, Cristal, Escondido, and the Zacil-Ha, among many other minor ones where you can enjoy snorkeling, diving, diving, swimming or simply spend quality time among friends.

The many natural riches of Tulum allow an incredible and diverse touristic destination for recreational activities, which will enrich your experience in the Caribbean.

Invest Tulum and experience them all! Here you’ll enjoy a privileged location, with exclusive proximity to the Caribbean Sea and the Hotel Zone of Tulum.




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