Melina Villavicencio

Real Estate Advisor 68 properties
Address: Calle 26 Avenue
Phone: +52 1 984 169 1716

Agency: The Bucket List
Company: The Bucket List
Licenses: México
Office Number: Riviera Maya
Office Address: Calle 26 Avenue


Languages: Spanish, german and english.  

Since 2007 I have been in the world of Real Estate Indirectly, with my international company of Constructions and Remodeling.

I was fortunate to work and live in 5 different countries, in this process I discovered my empirical skills and my passion for interior design & decoration.

So I decided to study Interior Design, in 2014 in Bremen, Germany., City where I lived at that time of my life.
Studying this career filled me with knowledge in the field of Architecture and different ways of life, I reaffirm my passion for real estate and spaces designed and remodeled with a reason.

In 2017, I started marketing real estate for my Service to my clients, they are the protagonists of my start in Real Estate, they encouraged me by asking me to sell or find a property for them.

It was then that I discovered that Real Estate is the ideal complement to develop what I am passionate about in life!
The search or sale of real estate is the perfect combination of interior design, lifestyle, and architecture.

I am excited to search for properties for each type of Person! Real estate is so personal that you discover and reveal your essence when finding the ideal place to live or invest.

The Riviera Maya is one of my favorite places on the planet, in addition to being part of my country of birth, the wonderful sea and nature of this place captivates you and transmits you a unique way of life.

Without a doubt, sharing in this enigmatic place is my mission as a Real Estate Advisor so that everyone is lucky enough to experience it!

Languages: Spanish – English – German

Real Estate Certification

In my free time, I love to enjoy the sunrises and walk on the beach. It is my favorite moment of the day, every time I visit the sea and see its greatness I get excited to live in this beautiful place! Without a doubt, knowing the beaches, cenotes, and impressive places of the Riviera Maya is the most valuable thing of living here.

link to photos of sunrises I take every day.

I have a non-profit organization for local entrepreneurs, it motivates me to advise the ideas of people who want to achieve their goals. Being in sync with people motivated by a project reactivates to my sense of self-improvement.

“When we decide to create our own style of business, it is the moment in life where we have begun to leave our mark on who we are in this world”

Sharing my knowledge is my way of contributing to a happier world by developing what you are passionate about.

Link to the foundation:

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me! I hope to meet you!

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