A Mexican paradise for retirement

A Mexican paradise for retirement

Why Tulum?

Tulum, located 90 minutes by car from the Cancun International Airport, is one of the best retreat paradises in the world.

We leave you for 4 reasons:

Property value: Choosing the right place to buy a property is of utmost importance in order to take advantage of the real estate capital gain and build a safe estate for both the owners and their families. Real estate capital gains in real estate is a concept that refers to the increase in the total value of a property depending on different physical, economic and quality of life factors; This concept becomes more relevant when looking to invest in a property that works as family assets or to help an investor’s economy by diversifying their money. For those who wonder where to invest in Mexico this 2020, they should know that according to an investigation carried out by the National Housing Commission (Conavi), Tulum is one of the main destinations to do so.

Atmosphere: Tulum, one of the most attractive towns on the Mexican Caribbean coast, is on the list of the most visited places in the world according to Forbes magazine, for its exotic fauna and vegetation, its turquoise blue sea and its white-sand beaches, but especially for its Mayan history that makes the place unique. It has the Sian Ka’an Reserve, a protected natural space that was declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco in 1987 and for the famous ruins of the Mayan walled city.

Infrastructure and services: As a place to retire, Tulum offers all the services that anyone needs to have a calm and healthy life. You can find pharmacies, hospitals, supermarkets, fruit, vegetable markets, and excellent restaurants, and thus is a very young town the international focus is accelerating its development. Tulum is characterized by its gastronomic variety since it combines local and international food both in the hotel zone and in the center, so there is no shortage of interesting places to eat.

Activities and lifestyle: Retirees have the possibility to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, with many options to choose their favorite activity, be it cycling, walking, yoga, swimming, diving, or just relaxation in the spa or in the beach.



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