Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue Remodeling Project

Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue Remodeling Project

When people once again start planning their vacation getaways, many of them will be looking for activities that will make their great escape a memorable one. The variety of attractions that entice vacationers to spend their valuable time and money include historical sites, ideal surroundings, and a pleasurable climate. Not only do these popular destinations need to maintain and preserve their notable assets but utilize them to help support their local economy.

These desirable destinations should offer a balance of activities and attractions that fit both family and couples alike. Having easy accessibility, comfortable settings, and modern infrastructure is also a definite plus. To make this possible, communities need to redesign their existing layout. This would include well-maintained thoroughfares, plenty of pedestrians right away, and all the necessary utilities. The problem comes when deciding to do such upgrades without disrupting the flow of tourists.

5th Avenue – Playa’s Most Famous Thoroughfare

One of the most sought-after and highly rated destinations is Mexico’s Riviera Maya and the town of Playa del Carmen. In 2019, Playa reached the number 2 spot just behind Cancun as being one of the most popular places to visit in Mexico. It is not hard to figure out why this once sleepy little fishing village has become an international phenomenon. Let’s start by mentioning its rich history, year-round warm weather, tropical terrain, white sand beaches, and the Caribbean Sea. Add all this with a welcoming culture and you have found your perfect destination.

Unfortunately, within the first few months of 2020, an international crisis had just begun. The Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic put a drastic halt to national and international travel. Tens of millions of vacationers and seasonal travelers canceled their annual holidays. Cities, towns, and community businesses worldwide abruptly closed. The once busy streets showed little to no life. At this point, the Major and the Tourism Secretary of Playa Del Carmen decided it was time to do some needed renovations. Henceforth, Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue Remodeling Project was born!

One of Playa’s most iconic attractions is the world-renowned 5th Avenue. This pedestrian-friendly thoroughfare has a variety of extraordinary restaurants, countless shops, several malls, and local attractions. This long-awaited project is centered around the northern end of 5th Avenue and Parque Fundadores. Also, the improvements will enhance the experience of thousands of people who visit this area daily. Businesses will also advantage by offering their customers easier access to their shops and open-air markets.

Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue Remodeling Project

This project will include adequate drainage when it rains. The new design will provide better runoff and prevent standing water during heavier downpours. This part of the reconstruction will work closely with the town’s Public Works Department. They will be upgrading the underground water and sewer systems. The remodeling project will also include improvements to electrical and communication grid-systems. Area businesses will have better access to a reliable means of technology, which will ultimately benefit their customers.

The current roadway will be torn up along with unsightly planter boxes, benches, and unused phone booths. The reconstruction of 5th Avenue will include releveling, a completely new foundation, and new pavers. Several imposing structures that are not in use will be removed for more needed space. There will also be new LED lighting, outdoor furniture, signage – maps & tourist information, trash cans, and bike racks. The city will upgrade the beach entrances and plant new vegetation.

Playa del Carmen’s historic Parque Fundadores (Founding Father’s Park) will experience a well-needed renovation. It will still provide a beautiful view of the Caribbean Sea, lots of towering palm trees, and plenty of family space. The new design will also provide easier maneuverability throughout the park. The new seating will create an amphitheater-like environment to hold outdoor performances.

A promenade will be constructed along the park’s edge and adjacent beach. This added walkway will serve two purposes. It will offer an inviting entrance from the beach to the park and vice-a-versa. The current wooden planks are extremely dangerous and will be replaced with much better material. The new promenade will provide a safer transition to and from the beach. There is also a plan to integrate easier pedestrian accessibility via ramps from 5th Avenue and the ADO Bus station to the Cozumel Ferry terminal.

We can’t wait to see 5th Avenue’s final result!

All the improvements Playa del Carmen’s 5th Avenue Remodeling Project provides will help in so many ways. It will not be long until Playa’s streets welcome thousands of people looking for fabulous cuisines, a variety of shopping experiences, and assorted attractions. The timing, even though it was unfortunate for many, provided an opportunity to make an already fabulous destination even more accommodating. Paradise cannot get any better than this!

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  1. Right away I am going to do my breakfast, after having my breakfast coming again to read further news. Peg Buddie Henley Janessa Riobard Monsour

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